To develop the site of the former Pontefract Fire Station in Tanshelf to support WDH’s vision with the design and construction of 37 high quality new affordable apartment homes.
WDH’s Newport House scheme of 37 new apartments for affordable rent, was designed by architect Acanthus WSM procured through EN:Procure’s Consultancy framework and built by Caddick Construction, procured through EN:Procure’s New Build framework.
Built on one of the main gateways into Pontefract town centre, the scheme is testament to the benefits of early contractor involvement and consultant expertise from early concept, through planning and construction to completion, enabled through EN:Procure’s frameworks.
One of the first developments to be delivered as part of the Pontefract Masterplan to reconnect the area and deliver on the council’s vision, the scheme provides high quality affordable housing for more sustainable communities. Residents will benefit from great sustainable public transport links, being adjacent to Tanshelf Railway Station.
Tenants moved in when the scheme was handed over in April 2023.
To support the aim to move to carbon net zero, the scheme features:
- Fabric first Approach – Energy Efficiency Measures up to 30% above Building Regulation Standards
- 100% Low energy Lighting
- EV charging points
- Bicycle Storage
In 2024 the scheme won the Pontefract Civic Society Design Award for Best Residential Housing Development.
Our vision is to create confident communities and developments like this are key to doing that. I am very proud of the work that has gone into delivering these properties and hope they’ll provide people and families with great homes.”
Andy Wallhead, Chief Executive | WDH

The scheme also provided 4 full-time training opportunities in partnership with EN:Able Futures CIC.