Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council sought to build 10 new homes with ambitious energy efficiency targets at 4 sites across East Herringthorpe. All sites were previously brownfield sites home to council garages. The scheme was one small element of the Council’s ambitious Housing Delivery Programme and pledge to deliver hundreds of new high-quality homes across the borough by 2026 and was supported by a Brownfield Housing Fund grant from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, provided as part of the Government’s Levelling Up Fund.
Facilitated through the EN:Procure new build framework, the Council worked with RH Fullwood & Co Ltd, a multi-disciplinary construction contractor which focuses on delivery of homes in Yorkshire and Humberside.
The scheme comprises four small brownfield sites which were once home to Council garages, and now boast new homes which will meet a range of needs, including the Council’s first one-bed houses and a four-bed ‘dormer’ style bungalow for households with acute health requirements.
All ten homes will receive heating and hot water via Air Source Heat Pumps and feature solar panels to self-generate energy, helping reduce energy bills.
Additional measures include under-floor heating and mechanical ventilation and heat recovery (MVHR) to further improve the efficiency of the heating system, improve air quality and reduce condensation.
Modern Methods of Construction (timber frames) were also used to enhance the pace of build, meaning that the first new homes were ready for occupation just nine months after work began. The shorter build period also helped to mitigate against the impact of the development on the local community.
All the new homes are available for Council rent to residents who meet the eligibility criteria.
The Council are committed to building homes which are affordable and low cost to run in light of the cost of living pressures. But in addition to that, the houses are superb quality, both inside and out, and will make fantastic homes for people with a variety of housing needs.”
Cllr Sarah Allen | Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing and Neighbourhood Working, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

In addition to 1 apprenticeship opportunity, 3 local operatives were employed, materials and kitchens were sourced locally.
Fullwoods also carried out a litter pick around the Bradstone Shops for the Herringthorpe “Clean up and skip day”.
We are proud to be part of the team that delivered these properties. We used the works as an opportunity to recruit locally and utilise supply chain partners from the Rotherham area in order to ensure that the Rotherham pound is spent back in the borough.
Guy Fullwood | Director, R. H. Fullwood & Co