Efficiency North’s recently appointed Chair Pauline Davis and EN:Able Communities Chair Ken Taylor enjoyed a day finding out more about the organisation’s track record of Social Value delivery, how strategy has evolved since 2010 and future plans for development on Wednesday 18 August. They were joined by Chief Executive Lee Parkinson, EN:Able Communities Head of Operations Simeon Perry and Corporate Communications Manager Liz Butcher.
Bringing to life the facts and figures of achievements to date first were Help 4 Homeless Veterans (H4HV). CEO Steve Bentham-Bates and founder Tom Wood were welcome guests at head office Sovereign Court to talk to the new Chairs about their work and Efficiency North’s support over the years alongside trustee Liz Butcher. H4HV were awarded Community Initiative of the Year 2017 for their outstanding work using grants from the EN:Able Communities Community Investment Fund to help veterans in need of shelter and support. They have since gone from strength to strength, receiving the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service in 2020, with Tom Wood appointed MBE this year. Their latest initiative is a therapy farm near Scunthorpe to support veterans’ mental health.
Next stop was Artistic Spectrum’s art space in Thorne to meet founder and leader Emma Wilson to find out more about their work using art as therapy for young adults and children with autism. Since Artistic Spectrum used grant funding from EN:Able Communities Community Investment Fund to deliver their Famous Faces of Hull project, they’ve gone on to open a new studio in Beverley, which opens in September after an 18 months delay since the initial lockdown in March 2020.
Last stop of the day was Target Housing’s project providing supported housing, primarily to ex-offenders, in Rotherham, established with funding from EN:Able Communities. Target Housing specialise in providing accommodation and support to vulnerable and homeless people who have difficulties sustaining a tenancy, including people with complex needs with no quick or easy solutions.
Efficiency North Chair Pauline Davis said: "It was good to hear about the social value projects that Efficiency North has supported and to see the difference that these inspirational projects are making to people's lives. I want to hear about other projects and get out and meet more people over the next few months. This is a very important aspect of EN's work that I'm keen to support and see grow and develop."
EN:Able Communities Chair Ken Taylor said: "It was fantastic to see how EN:Able Communities has contributed to making such a positive impact on peoples lives. Being able to meet those who were driving the projects forward was truly inspirational."
Find out more about EN:Able Communities past and current funding initiatives and some of the 161 projects previously backed by the Community Investment Fund grants here
Meeting Emma Wilson at Artistic Spectrum Artspace in Thorne
Outside Target Housing's project in Vesey Street Rotherham