Kickstart Scheme

EN:Able Communities DWP funded work placement programme to support 16-24 year olds into employment.

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What is the Kickstart Scheme?

The Kickstart Scheme was launched by the UK government at the end of 2020 to create a number of new 6-month job placements for young people  on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment to help address the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

We began our Kickstart Gateway scheme in January 2021.

Job placements supported participants (kickstarters) to develop the skills and experience they needed to find permanent work after completing the scheme. 14 went on to permanent employment with their host employer.

100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week was funded by the DWP, plus associated employer National Insurance contributions and employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions. 

Our Contribution

EN:Able Communities is proud to act as a Kickstart Gateway.  We firmly believe in the importance of capturing the true potential of each young life and that every person is worthy of a career and sustainable employment.

Our contribution has enabled us to support a range of organisations large and small within a variety of sectors.

Our work has resulted in 34 high quality kickstart placements and counting, providing young people with six months of excellent experience with opportunities to progress.

Each Kickstarter received six months of work with a supportive employer and was provided with tailored 1 to 1 employability support by our IAG qualified advisor.  We also engaged in conversations with the employers and kickstarters to look at their ideal next steps.

As a Kickstart Gateway, we acted on behalf or employers by batching together applications and submitting them to the DWP, overseeing the administration and the financial payments. 

We're proud to have supported 5 kickstarters of our own. 3 based at our Sheffield Office and 2 at our Hull office, the Humber Construction Hub.

Our Employability training