Prevent Policy 2021
The Prevent Strategy is the response to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat from those who promote it; to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support.
This policy defines the approach taken by Efficiency North Holdings Limited (ENHL) and its operating companies in response to its duties with respect to radicalisation and extremism.
Types of extremism to be found in the United Kingdom include:
• Violent extremism: the activity of individuals or groups to promote views that justify or glorify terrorist violence. This includes encouraging others to commit terrorist acts or provoking others into terrorist-related activity. It also includes fostering hatred which may lead to inter-community tensions and violence within the United Kingdom.
• Radicalisation: the process by which a person changes their perception and beliefs due to exposure to an extremist influence (which may be online, publication or one to one direct contact) to become more extremist in nature which may result in extremist actions.
• Domestic extremism: the activity of individuals or groups conducting criminal acts of direct action to further their protest campaign. This term covers the conduct of groups involved including the extreme right wing and animal rights extremists.
• The situation in Britain regarding radicalisation is one where there can be significant threats from the extreme far right, dissident republicans and some extremist pseudo-religious groups.
Relevant Legislation and Guidance:
• Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015
• Prevent Duty Guidance: for Further Education Institutions in England and Wales (updated April 2019)
ENHL will work to protect and take action to protect all employees, apprentices and other service users from extremist and violent views in the same way that we have undertaken to safeguard employees, apprentices and other service users who come under our jurisdiction. This is made clear through the induction process for employees, apprentices and to other service users who are involved with ENHL and reinforced throughout their time with us.
All employees at ENHL who identify a concern through conversations, behaviour, appearance or actions and will report these concerns to the safeguarding team or the Prevent lead (EN:Able Futures Director of Operations).
Police Prevent Team contact details:
• Emergency:
• Tel: 999
• Non-emergency:
• Tel:101
A report such as this does not assume criminal activity has taken place. The Police will investigate and if there are security concerns, appropriate action will be taken including, where appropriate, guidance and support.
Pastoral care is given as a matter of course at ENHL and any person who has been identified as having any of the indicators noted will be supported throughout. This is standard practice throughout ENHL when any concerns relating to Safeguarding or Radicalisation and extremism are reported or noted.
Incident Management
Any incident will be managed by the Prevent lead and Executive Team with support from Marketing and Communication. Care will be taken to protect both individuals and ENHL.
Incidents and concerns will be recorded. Information about concerns and reports will be reported at least annually (to the Executive Management Team (EMT) and Board).
Before service deliverer is contracted, we will ensure that subcontractors have a commitment to fulfil their duty of care in relation to the Prevent strategy and monitor their implementation of an appropriate policy with respect to Radicalisation and extremism. Subcontractors’ arrangements around Radicalisation and extremism must at least meet the requirements of this policy. This will include a duty to report any issues to ENHL as well as the appropriate authority.
External Visitors
There is a robust system in place at ENHL to ensure that visitors are identified and where possible their credentials are known. Invitations are only extended to people who have a professional interest in ENHL activities.
Equality & Diversity
This policy has been considered against our Equality and Diversity Policy. HR will work with managers on an individual basis to ensure that training, coaching, advice and support is provided and are readily accessible to mitigate against potential direct or indirect discrimination.
• To be aware of the policy and to understand warning signs of radicalisation and extremism
• To develop understanding of risks related to radicalisation and extremism and know how to raise any issues or concerns
• To undertake periodic training with respect to Prevent agenda
• To make reports regarding any concerns or suspicious activity rapidly
• To ensure that resources are deployed to support the implementation of this policy
• To develop and maintain clear reporting protocols with key partners
• To provide relevant training to staff and learners regarding radicalisation and extremism. Required employees will complete Prevent training updates at least every two years
• To act on any concerns raised and act on this through appropriate and proportionate actions
• To monitor the implementation and effectiveness of this policy through periodic reports to the Executive and the Board
• To attend the local FE/HE Prevent network meetings to share best practice and approaches to safeguard stakeholders.
Radicalisation is defined as the process by which people come to support terrorism and extremism and, in some cases to then participate in terrorist groups.
Extremism is vocal or active opposition to the fundamental British Values.
Fundamental British Values – these are commonly held values in society and form part of the PSD/citizenship agenda they include democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance.
Prevent - the purpose of Prevent is to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. This includes countering terrorist ideology and challenging those who promote it, supporting individuals who are especially vulnerable to becoming radicalised, and working with sectors and institutions where the risk of radicalisation is assessed to be high.
Contest is the United Kingdom's counter-terrorism strategy. The aim of the strategy is "to reduce the risk to the UK and its interests overseas from terrorism, so that people can go about their lives freely and with confidence."
There are four themes to the strategy:
• Pursue
• Prevent
• Protect
• Prepare
Appendix A – Potential Warning Signs of Radicalisation or Extremism
It should be noted that there are no ‘typical’ signs of radicalisation or extremism, and so it is not possible to provide a definitive list. However, the following may give an indication of a cause for concern that should be discussed with the appropriate designated Prevent staff.
• Identity Crisis - distance from cultural/religious heritage and uncomfortable with their place in the society around them.
• Personal Crisis - family tensions; sense of isolation; adolescence; low self- esteem; disassociating from existing friendship group and becoming involved with a new and different group of friends; searching for answers to questions about identity, faith and belonging.
• Personal Circumstances - Migration; local community tensions; events affecting country or region of origin; alienation from UK values; having a sense of grievance that is triggered by personal experience of racism or discrimination or aspects of Government policy.
• Unmet Aspirations - perceptions of injustice; feeling of failure; rejection of civic life.
• Criminality - experiences of imprisonment; poor resettlement/reintegration, previous involvement with criminal groups.
Access to extremist influences
• Reason to believe that the young person associates with those known to be involved in extremism
• Possession or distribution of extremist literature/other media material likely to incite racial/religious hatred or acts of violence
• Use of closed network groups via electronic media for the purpose of extremist activity
Experiences, behaviours and influences
• Experience of peer, social, family or faith group rejection
• International events in areas of conflict and civil unrest had a personal impact on the young person resulting in a noticeable change in behaviour
• Verbal or written support of terrorist attacks
• Extended periods of travel to international locations known to be associated with extremism
• Evidence of fraudulent identity/use of documents to support this
• Experience of disadvantage, discrimination or social exclusion
• History of criminal activity
• Pending a decision on their immigration/national status
More critical risk factors include:
• Being in contact with extremist recruiters
• Articulating support for extremist causes or leaders
• Accessing extremist websites, especially those with a social networking element
• Possessing extremist literature
• Justifying the use of violence to solve societal issues
• Joining extremist organisations
• Significant changes to appearance/behaviour
Referral and Intervention Process
Any identified concerns as the result of observed behaviour or reports of conversations to suggest that the learner supports terrorism and/or extremism, must be reported to the designated Prevent leads.