Louie Schofield - Environment Agency

Apprentice Name: Louie Schofield

Host employer Name: Environment Agency

Trade: Environmental Conservation

Qualification: Level 2 Environmental Conservation (Rivers, Coast, Waterways)

Location: Owston Ferry/Gainsborough

Date started: 30/03/2017

Date completed: Will complete by September 2018  

Previous circumstances prior to starting apprenticeship:

Louie went straight from school to do an Extended Diploma in Countryside Management Level 3, at Rotherham and North Notts College.

His Assessor told him about this apprenticeship and Louie jumped at the chance. He started very soon after and was an easy choice for EN:Able Future to employ.

Brief description of duties:

Louie has been really fortunate, and the Environment Agency has put him on a number of courses which he completed successfully.

  • Tree Felling (week long)

  • Strimmer and Hedge Cutting

  • Wood-Chipping and Winching

  • Spraying (Weeds)

  • Manual Handling

  • Water Safety

  • First Aid

  • ADR license

Louie’s duties change every day. He drives a lot for work. He does a lot of grass cutting, asset - inspecting, opening/closing the waterways/flood defence doors.

His work is varied, and each day can be quite different to the day before which is something Louie enjoys.  

What difference has doing the apprenticeship made to your life?

EA paid for Louie to learn to drive and Louie grabbed this opportunity. This was a huge help and opportunity and has meant that more duties and roles at the EA are open to him.

The training has been varied and useful in and out of the EA. Having a spraying, chain sawing ticket means that he could take those skills elsewhere if he didn’t get kept on at EA.

Being here has solidified Louie’s interesting the industry. He loves being outside and learning new things, that’s what keeps him motivated.

What are your aims for your future career?

Louie has been offered an employment contract of 12 months. He will continue with similar work he has been doing during his apprenticeship initially but will take the chance to get extra tickets and do extra training.

The EA is expecting some people to move on to retirement and as such, they wanted to keep Louie on so that when these vacancies arise, he will be in the best position to apply internally.

The Author

Written by EN:Able Futures