EN:Connect Retrofit

EN:Connect Retrofit 

Wednesday 10th May 2023 - 9:30am - 11am

Led by Carl Bairstow,  Head of Membership Development, Efficiency North

The impact of the changes resulting from the introduction of SAP10.2 and SAP 11.0 on housing EPC ratings

Final guidance on SAP 10.2 was published at the end of March this year and therefore this will finally mean that the 2012 legacy version of RdSAP will be replaced in the near to medium future and will create substantive change in the EPC rating of properties. 

BRE are also working on the definition of SAP 11 which is currently anticipated to be introduced in 2025/26 which will create further rating changes in advance of the anticipated regulatory deadline of achieving EPC C rating across all Social Housing by 2030.

Carl will be joined by Mark Sreeve from Sava who is a sector expert in SAP modelling and will explain in detail how the introduction of SAP 10.2 will affect current EPC ratings,

Mark will also discuss his current understanding and expectations of how SAP 11 will impact even further and in what aspects, and the factors to take into account in relation to asset portfolio planning.

Meet the session's speaker

Mark Sreeves

Technical Sales Manager, SAVA

Mark holds a BSc in Science and Technology and has worked as an energy consultant supporting organisations with energy efficiency, fuel poverty and managing carbon for almost 30 years.

He is a qualified energy assessor (and a teacher) and is committed to working in an area of work that is helping to maintain and improve the environment.

The Author

Written by Lorna Hadley