EN:Able Communities

Apprentice Hardship Fund

Our Hardship Fund supported those who faced challenges in starting or continuing their training and education.

EN:Able Communities previously provided bursaries, expenses, driving lessons, and toolkits for apprentices and trainees appointed through EN:Procure and EN:Able Futures.

Through these discretionary funds we worked with learners to address their individual needs, enabling them to start and carry on their training in situations where they would otherwise have struggled.

“One apprentice employed in our supply chain was in need of a driving lessons and power tool lessons in order to carry-on travelling to and working on site – but they were prohibitively expensive, and they were on the verge of dropping out of their training because of it. EN:Able Communities stepped in and paid for these courses from their discretionary fund, and the apprentice was able to finish their apprenticeship; moving on to secure full-time employment afterwards.”

EN:Able Futures Development Coach