What is a Dynamic Purchasing System?
A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is similar to a Framework Agreement, except new Contractors can join at any time through an OJEU compliant route.
A DPS is utilised via a 2-stage approach. A brief summary of each stage is detailed below:
Contractors can join a DPS framework arrangement at any point though its lifetime.
The application process tends to be simpler and less costly to prepare. Therefore, DPSs tend to be more attractive to SMEs to apply for.
In November 2020, EN:Procure launched a Dynamic Purchasing System for Modern Methods of Construction.
Developed in response to members’ MMC aspirations and to help them achieve Homes England targets for funding, the new DPS is fully flexible and able to respond to changes in systems and market maturity.
The lotting structure allows suppliers from Lots 1 and 2 to be integrated into a more traditional form of contract with a principle contractor, whilst Lot 3 provides for supplier and contractors to partner and offer a turnkey service to members:
Lot 1 Panelised System Homes
Lot 2 Volumetric System Homes
Lot 3 Turnkey Modular Homes
Please note Contractors can apply to join any of the Lots throughout the DPS term, further details for Contractors wishing to apply are available here or see: https://procontract.due-north.com/Register