As part of the EN:Lighten programme, a key step in Efficiency North’s organisational journey and Good to Great 3-year business strategy to enable the best performance environment to build strength and capacity for future growth, two of the team are training to become coaching champions.
HR Manager Natalie Irving and Apprenticeship Manager Sophie Richardson began training at the end of June for the Association of Coaching’s Accredited Diploma in Coach Training to become AC Accredited Executive Foundation Coaches, through Ambito’s Coaching Mastery training programme.
The 11-month training will enable them to learn skills such as active listening and self-reflection, alongside a range of coaching methods, to become effective coaches. They will also be putting their skills into practice with 50 hours of real-life coaching practice, alongside 50 hours CPD.
HR Manager Natalie Irving said: “I am really grateful for the opportunity to undertake coaching training. So many colleagues have told me about the benefit coaching has made to their professional careers: so, to be in a place to learn about how to facilitate that is wonderful! I am starting my learning from scratch – which is daunting - but hopefully, by the end of this, I will be in a position to support people within our workplace either as coach or by helping them learn and exercise coaching techniques themselves.
“I am really looking forward to working with Sophie to help support ENHL in its coaching journey: it will be exciting to see the results of this over the next few years as the organisation grows!”
Apprenticeship Manager Sophie Richardson said: “My intention for taking this training opportunity was to be able to progress as a person both personally and professionally, to learn about the ways of coaching and how this can be used both in everyday life and within the workplace to enable me to support others in all areas of life.
“During the next 11 months I am looking forward to working with a number of coachees to allow them to work through any potential issues and help them reach their goals through the power of coaching. On a professional level, in my role as Apprenticeship Manager, I am looking forward to putting these skills into practice to allow me to support apprentices throughout their apprenticeship journey.
“I am extremely grateful to be given the opportunity to take part in the Coaching Mastery Programme and look forward to being able to able to put this into practice.”
Coachees needed
Both Natalie and Sophie are now seeking coachees to support their training. Coaching will initially involve a ‘chemistry session’ to make sure the chemistry is right for working together, followed by around 6-8 free one hour or 90-minute sessions online.
If you’d like to help and take up this opportunity to support your inspiration, motivation and self-empowerment or any particular area in your career you would like to develop, please contact Natalie Irving to find out more.
More about the EN:Lighten programme
Coaching and Leadership Development experts Fields of Learning began the EN:Lighten programme in March 2024 with psychometric testing for all staff, followed by a day bringing together the whole team to explore individual and collective Motivational Value Systems (MVS), drawn from individual Strength Deployment Inventories (SDIs), to enable deeper understanding of different perspectives. The whole team subsequently enjoyed 2 days’ foundation training in coaching in June to support motivation and empowerment. All managers are continuing with 2 dedicated training days off site in July and August, with the executive management team continuing to build leadership skills in monthly 2-day sessions until the programme concludes in October. All managers are also being coached 1 to 1 by professional coaches.
The results of the collective SDI demonstrated that Efficiency North’s top 6 collective strengths as an organisation – supportive, caring, fair, adaptable, helpful and open-to-change – very much reflect the organisational values and members’ values.