Matthew wins ERC Apprentice of the Year - Civil Engineering

Watch Matthew talk about his apprenticeship and what life if like for a an Apprentice Civil Engineering Technician.

We are proud to announce that Matthew Byford Loggie has won the East Riding College Apprentice of the Year award for Civil Engineering 2022.

Matthew joined EN:Able Futures in June 2021 to do a Level 3 Civil Engineering Technician Apprenticeship while working for his host company Alan Wood & Partners.

Matthew had secured a university place for civil engineering but really wanted to get hands on experience first, so he jumped at the chance to do a Civil Engineering Apprenticeship when the opportunity arose. After almost one year in the role he has not been disappointed and  feels happy that he has made the right choice, and he is keen to progress to a higher level once he his Level 3 qualification is complete.

Matthew said: “I chose to take the apprenticeship route in structural engineering as I wanted real hands-on experience of the job. You are improving all the time, jobs and projects are all varied so they are testing my skills and I am not faced with the same challenges twice."

Paul Steadman, Office Director at Alan Wood & Partners, commented: "Matthew is always willing to help, has a great attitude to learning and is keen to try new things to test and expand his knowledge. He is turning into a fantastic apprentice and we definitely need another ‘Matthew’ in all our offices."

Julie Deeley, Director od Operations, EN:Able Futures, said: " We are all really proud of Matthew's achievement. It is a testement to the hard work and comitmitment that he has put into his apprenticeship this past year, and we look forward to seeing him continue to grow his career in civil engineering at Alan Wood & Partners"

In this video Matthew explains why he chose the apprenticeship route and what the work of  Civil Engineering Technician involves.


The Author

Written by EN:Able Futures