About Us

Supporting social mobility in communities across Northern England

Support for communities Training, Skills & Employment

What We Do

We provide energy advice

  • To support tenants and residents of Efficiency North’s social housing provider membership live a healthier life in warmer homes.
  • To help address fuel poverty.
  • To support tenants and residents with reducing condensation and mould to support Efficiency North’s members’ asset management.


We enable retrofit training

  • To encourage new talent into the sector.
  • To upskill talent to increase productivity.

All training is industry-led through companies appointed to EN:Procure’s suite of frameworks and DPSs for housing repair, maintenance and installation and through trade bodies.

We work with FE colleges and training bodies to develop courses and curriculums.

We support subregional housing partnerships and work with other key stakeholders to enable a range of courses to meet the needs of the social housing sector.


We support local communities where there is financial hardship

In response to the cost of living and energy crises, we will provide grants to micro community groups when resources are available, to support projects such as their community warmth hubs, and provision of electric blankets to those struggling to keep warm.

Our Evolution

Efficiency North established EN:Able Communities CIO in August 2015  to support the regeneration of communities in Yorkshire and Humber served by its membership of social housing providers.

Any surplus generated by Efficiency North, plus regeneration funds generated by EN:Procure’s procurement frameworks, are gifted to the charity. These funds are then distributed in a variety of ways in order to provide support to a diverse range of people and communities served by Efficiency North's membership of social housing landlords in Northern England.

In 2019 we re-focussed our efforts to concentrate on support for employment and skills  to support communities across Northern England. These have included the DWP Kickstart Gateway 6-month work placements for 16 - 24 year olds and Construction Skills 4 Life entry level training at the Humber Construction Hub.

In 2022, to help Efficiency North's member landlords address the challenges of filling the 'green' skills gap and making homes more energy efficient to achieve Net Zero targets, we began working in partnership with The Retrofit Academy to deliver retrofit training and qualifications for tenants and residents.

Our Funding

We have previously channeled funding into:

  1. Local community projects through the Community Investment Fund – £650k+ in grants to 159 nnovative projects supporting local tenants and residents.

  2. Employment and Training projects through the Social Mobility Fund – £70k in grants to 7 local projects to boost Social Mobility across Yorkshire and Humber.

  3. Apprentice Support  – grants to help both hire and keep apprentices facing challenges in work.

External Funding

In 2019 EN:Able Communities branched out into new revenue streams, applying for grants and funding to allow us to begin creating and supporting local projects, delivering high quality training and social mobility programmes across the North of England.  MORE INFORMATION HERE

Our externally funded high impact programmes, such as the Humber Construction Hub in Hull, have led to over 1,000 people so far being engaged in a career in construction, with almost 800 of these taking part in a training programme to get them employment and site ready.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about EN:Able Communities, please contact Head of Operations Simeon Perry at E:simeon.perry@efficiencynorth.org

EN:Able Communities is a Registered Charity, Number 1163304, registered in England and Wales.

More on the Charities Commission website HERE.